The right ideas for our time
We want to co-create the FUTURE of our wonderful country. The following 10 points illustrate how we Greens want to take RESPONSIBILITY in Bavaria. Whoever wants to enter a coalition with us needs to be prepared to significantly advance these issues together with us. We Greens defend our DEMOCRACY and the RULE OF LAW. We develop EUROPE further and we stand for HEART INSTEAD OF HATE. Furthermore we want for Bavaria:
Ensuring biodiversity:
By 2030 we cut usage of agricultural pesticides in half, increase the number of protected areas and establish a third National Park in Bavaria. For biodiversity in flora and fauna.
Equal rights and personal autonomy:
We want equal pay for women and men. We empower single parents and provide better and more flexible child care. So women have the same rights and opportunities as men.
Keeping land consumption in check:
We introduce a cap on development of natural areas, so Bavaria remains our homeland instead being spoilt and concreted over. This will also keep village and town centers alive.
Empower and appreciate social security:
We deploy five billion euros for 50,000 new state-subsidized flats, so more citizens get access to affordable housing. We improve training and work conditions in the care sector and for other social professions.
Bavaria’s future is a strong Europe:
We put an end to Bavarian controls at the border with Austria. Because open internal borders are part and parcel of a united, liberal and democratic Europe. Because exchange allows the Bavarian economy and our diverse and colorful civil society to thrive.
Free and safe living in Bavaria:
We stand for security policies that takes threats seriously but our response is based on sound judgment and takes protection of civil rights into account. We change the unconstitutional law on police duty and make sure that our community-oriented police force finally is well equipped.
Climate protection finally needs action:
100 percent clean energy supply by 2030 – that’s our goal. We remove the obstacle for wind energy (10H rule), increase energy storage and introduce a comprehensive climate protection law for Bavaria.
Education is the key for life:
With us there will be sufficient numbers of teachers and additional educational specialists. We also enable schools to opened up for longer shared learning. We pave the way to a modern school facility that integrates all-day school, digitization and inclusion.
Successful integration:
We make sure that refugees finally can attend language classes and work right from the start. Refugees with an apprenticeship receive secure status. That also means planning certainty for our businesses (3+2 rule). Deportations to Afghanistan and refugee camps are not acceptable for us.
Getting around in Bavaria:
We introduce a “mobility guarantee” for urban and rural areas: From 5am till midnight there’s at least one connection by bus, train or on-call taxi once every hour in every settlement. Children, young people, apprentices and students use public transport for free. We make cycling attractive and safe.